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Changeform submitline actions

Submit row actions work a bit differently when compared to other custom Unfold actions. These actions first invoke form save (same as if you hit Save button) and then lets you perform additional logic on already saved instance.


from django.contrib.admin import register
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.http import HttpRequest
from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin
from unfold.decorators import action

class UserAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    actions_submit_line = ["changeform_submitline_action"]

        description=_("Changeform submitline action"),
    def changeform_submitline_action(self, request: HttpRequest, obj: User):
        If instance is modified in any way, it also needs to be saved, since this handler is invoked after instance is saved.

        obj.is_active = True

    def has_changeform_submitline_action_permission(self, request: HttpRequest, object_id: Union[str, int]):

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