1. Documentation
  2. Actions
  3. Changelist row actions

Changelist row actions

These actions will appear on seach row on the changelist page as a dropdown button containing all custom row actions. The permission callback for actions_row does not accept object_id as an argument. Actions can have permission set globally and it is not possible to control permission per row.

# admin.py

from django.contrib.admin import register
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.http import HttpRequest
from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin
from unfold.decorators import action

class UserAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    actions_row = ["changelist_row_action"]

        description=_("Changelist row action"),
        attrs={"target": "_blank"}
    def changelist_row_action(self, request: HttpRequest, object_id: int):
        return redirect(

    def has_changelist_row_action_permission(self, request: HttpRequest):
        # Write your own bussiness logic. Code below will always display an action.
        return True

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