1. Documentation
  2. Components
  3. Component - Cohort

Cohort component

The cohort component allows you to display cohort analysis data in a table format. It's useful for analyzing user behavior and retention over time. Unfold provides a default implementation of the cohort component. The only important parameter is the data parameter, which is a dictionary that contains a more complex data structure.

Default cohort component implementation in template

In template you can use the default implementation of the cohort component by using the following code below. The component_class parameter is the name of the component class that you will create in the next section and it will prepare the data for the cohort component.

{% load unfold %}

{% component "unfold/components/chart/cohort.html" with component_class="MyCohortComponent" %}
{% endcomponent %}

If you don't want to use component_class parameter, you can prepare data in the dashboard callback function and use it like this:

{% load unfold %}

{% component "unfold/components/chart/cohort.html" with data=my_data_variable %}
{% endcomponent %}

Custom cohort data preparation in component class

Below you can see an example of a component class that prepares the data for the cohort component. The component in template will receive the data parameter that is passed to the get_context_data method.

# admin.py

from unfold.components import BaseComponent

class MyCohortComponent(BaseComponent):
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
            "data": DATA
        return context

Data structure example

DATA = {
    "headers": [
        # Col 1 header
            "title": "Title",
            "subtitle": "something",  # Optional
    "rows": [
        # First row
            # Row heading
            "header": {
                "title": "Title",
                "subtitle": "something",  # Optional
            "cols": [
                # Col 1 cell value
                    "value": "1",
                    "subtitle": "something",  # Optional
        # Second row
            # Row heading
            "header": {
                "title": "Title",
                "subtitle": "something",  # Optional
            "cols": [
                # Col 1 cell value
                    "value": "1",

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