dictionary contains all available options to configure the admin interface. By default, there is not need to set any options. The admin interface will work as expected. Below you can find full list of available options.
from django.templatetags.static import static
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
"SITE_TITLE": "Custom suffix in <title> tag",
"SITE_HEADER": "Appears in sidebar at the top",
"icon": "diamond",
"title": _("My site"),
"link": "",
# ...
"SITE_URL": "/",
# "SITE_ICON": lambda request: static("icon.svg"), # both modes, optimise for 32px height
"light": lambda request: static("icon-light.svg"), # light mode
"dark": lambda request: static("icon-dark.svg"), # dark mode
# "SITE_LOGO": lambda request: static("logo.svg"), # both modes, optimise for 32px height
"light": lambda request: static("logo-light.svg"), # light mode
"dark": lambda request: static("logo-dark.svg"), # dark mode
"SITE_SYMBOL": "speed", # symbol from icon set
"rel": "icon",
"sizes": "32x32",
"type": "image/svg+xml",
"href": lambda request: static("favicon.svg"),
"SHOW_HISTORY": True, # show/hide "History" button, default: True
"SHOW_VIEW_ON_SITE": True, # show/hide "View on site" button, default: True
"SHOW_BACK_BUTTON": False, # show/hide "Back" button on changeform in header, default: False
"ENVIRONMENT": "sample_app.environment_callback",
"DASHBOARD_CALLBACK": "sample_app.dashboard_callback",
"THEME": "dark", # Force theme: "dark" or "light". Will disable theme switcher
"LOGIN": {
"image": lambda request: static("sample/login-bg.jpg"),
"redirect_after": lambda request: reverse_lazy("admin:APP_MODEL_changelist"),
lambda request: static("css/style.css"),
lambda request: static("js/script.js"),
"base": {
"50": "249 250 251",
"100": "243 244 246",
"200": "229 231 235",
"300": "209 213 219",
"400": "156 163 175",
"500": "107 114 128",
"600": "75 85 99",
"700": "55 65 81",
"800": "31 41 55",
"900": "17 24 39",
"950": "3 7 18",
"primary": {
"50": "250 245 255",
"100": "243 232 255",
"200": "233 213 255",
"300": "216 180 254",
"400": "192 132 252",
"500": "168 85 247",
"600": "147 51 234",
"700": "126 34 206",
"800": "107 33 168",
"900": "88 28 135",
"950": "59 7 100",
"font": {
"subtle-light": "var(--color-base-500)", # text-base-500
"subtle-dark": "var(--color-base-400)", # text-base-400
"default-light": "var(--color-base-600)", # text-base-600
"default-dark": "var(--color-base-300)", # text-base-300
"important-light": "var(--color-base-900)", # text-base-900
"important-dark": "var(--color-base-100)", # text-base-100
"modeltranslation": {
"flags": {
"en": "🇬🇧",
"fr": "🇫🇷",
"nl": "🇧🇪",
"show_search": False, # Search in applications and models names
"show_all_applications": False, # Dropdown with all applications and models
"navigation": [
"title": _("Navigation"),
"separator": True, # Top border
"collapsible": True, # Collapsible group of links
"items": [
"title": _("Dashboard"),
"icon": "dashboard", # Supported icon set:
"link": reverse_lazy("admin:index"),
"badge": "sample_app.badge_callback",
"permission": lambda request: request.user.is_superuser,
"title": _("Users"),
"icon": "people",
"link": reverse_lazy("admin:auth_user_changelist"),
"TABS": [
"models": [
"items": [
"title": _("Your custom title"),
"link": reverse_lazy("admin:app_label_model_name_changelist"),
"permission": "sample_app.permission_callback",
def dashboard_callback(request, context):
Callback to prepare custom variables for index template which is used as dashboard
template. It can be overridden in application by creating custom admin/index.html.
"sample": "example", # this will be injected into templates/admin/index.html
return context
def environment_callback(request):
Callback has to return a list of two values represeting text value and the color
type of the label displayed in top right corner.
return ["Production", "danger"] # info, danger, warning, success
def badge_callback(request):
return 3
def permission_callback(request):
return request.user.has_perm("sample_app.change_model")
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