layers Introducing Unfold components - Pre-made HTML blocks in Django admin for custom dashboards arrow_forward



Before adding any source code, it is recommended to have pre-commit installed on your local computer to check for all potential issues when committing the code.

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg
pre-commit run --all-files # Check if everything is okay

Poetry configuration

To add a new feature or fix the easiest approach is to use django-unfold in combination with Poetry. The process looks like:

  • Install django-unfold via poetry add django-unfold
  • After that it is needed to git clone the repository somewhere on local computer.
  • Edit pyproject.toml and update django-unfold line django-unfold = { path = "../django-unfold", develop = true}
  • Lock and update via poetry lock && poetry update

Compiling Tailwind

At the moment project contains package.json with all dependencies required to compile new CSS file. Tailwind configuration file is set to check all html, js and py files for Tailwind's classes occurrences.

npm install
npx tailwindcss -i src/unfold/styles.css -o src/unfold/static/unfold/css/styles.css --watch --minify

npm run tailwind:watch # run after each change in code
npm run tailwind:build # run once

Some components like datepickers, calendars or selectors in admin was not possible to style by overriding html templates so their default styles are overridden in styles.css.

Note: most of the custom styles located in style.css are created via @apply some-tailwind-class; as is not possible to manually add CSS class to element which are for example created via jQuery.

Design system

Component Classes
Regular text text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-300
Hover regular text text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-200
Headings font-semibold text-gray-900 dark:text-gray-100
Icon text-gray-400 dark:text-gray-500
Hover icon hover:text-gray-500 dark:hover:text-gray-400

Using VS Code with containers

Unfold already contains prepared support for VS Code development. After cloning the project locally, open the main folder in VS Code (in terminal code .). Immediately, you would see a message from VS Code Folder contains a Dev Container configuration file. Reopen folder to develop in a container which will inform you that the support for containers is prepared. Confirm the message by clicking on Reopen in Container. If the message is not there, you can still manually open the project in a container by running the command Dev Containers: Reopen in Container.

Development server

Now the VS Code will build an image and install Python dependencies. After successful installation is completed, VS Code will spin a container and from now it is possible to directly develop in the container. Unfold contains an example development application with the basic Unfold configuration available under tests/server. Run python runserver within a tests/server folder to start a development Django server. Note that you have to run the command from VS Code terminal which is already connected to the running container.

Note: this is not a production ready server. Use it just for running tests or developing features & fixes.

Compiling Tailwind in devcontainer

The container has already a node preinstalled so it is possible to compile a new CSS. Open the terminal and run npm install which will install all dependencies and will create node_modules folder. Now, you can run npm commands for Tailwind as described in the previous chapter.

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