layers Introducing Unfold components - Pre-made HTML blocks in Django admin for custom dashboards arrow_forward


The installation process is minimal. Everything that is needed after installation is to put new application at the beginning of INSTALLED_APPS. The default admin configuration in can stay as it is, and no changes are required.


    "unfold",  # before django.contrib.admin
    "unfold.contrib.filters",  # optional, if special filters are needed
    "unfold.contrib.forms",  # optional, if special form elements are needed
    "unfold.contrib.inlines",  # optional, if special inlines are needed
    "unfold.contrib.import_export",  # optional, if django-import-export package is used
    "",  # optional, if django-guardian package is used
    "unfold.contrib.simple_history",  # optional, if django-simple-history package is used
    "django.contrib.admin",  # required

In case you need installation command below are the versions for pip and poetry which needs to be executed in shell.

pip install django-unfold
poetry add django-unfold

Just for an example below is the minimal admin configuration in terms of adding Unfold into URL paths.


from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path

urlpatterns = [
    # Other URL paths

After installation, it is required that admin classes are going to inherit from custom ModelAdmin available in unfold.admin.


from django.contrib import admin
from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin

class CustomAdminClass(ModelAdmin):

Note: Registered admin models coming from third party packages are not going to properly work with Unfold because of parent class. By default, these models are registered by using django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin but it is needed to use unfold.admin.ModelAdmin. Solution for this problem is to unregister model and then again register it back by using unfold.admin.ModelAdmin.


from django.contrib import admin
from django.contrib.auth.admin import UserAdmin as BaseUserAdmin
from django.contrib.auth.admin import GroupAdmin as BaseGroupAdmin
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group

from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin

class UserAdmin(BaseUserAdmin, ModelAdmin):

class GroupAdmin(BaseGroupAdmin, ModelAdmin):

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