1. Documentation
  2. Integrations
  3. django-import-export


  1. Add unfold.contrib.import_export to INSTALLED_APPS at the beginning of the file. This action will override all templates coming from the application.
  2. Change import_form_class and export_form_class in ModelAdmin which is inheriting from ImportExportModelAdmin. This chunk of code is responsible for adding proper styling to form elements.
# admin.py

from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin
from import_export.admin import ImportExportModelAdmin
from unfold.contrib.import_export.forms import ExportForm, ImportForm, SelectableFieldsExportForm

class ExampleAdmin(ModelAdmin, ImportExportModelAdmin):
    import_form_class = ImportForm
    export_form_class = ExportForm
    # export_form_class = SelectableFieldsExportForm

When implementing import_export.admin.ExportActionModelAdmin class in admin panel, import_export plugin adds its own implementation of action form which is not incorporating Unfold CSS classes. For this reason, unfold.contrib.import_export.admin contains class with the same name ExportActionModelAdmin which inherits behavior of parent form and adds appropriate CSS classes.

Note: This class has been removed and in new version (4.x) of django-import-export it is not needed.


from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin
from unfold.contrib.import_export.admin import ExportActionModelAdmin

class ExampleAdmin(ModelAdmin, ExportActionModelAdmin):


By default, Unfold supports django-modeltranslation and TabbedTranslationAdmin admin class for the tabbed navigation is implemented with custom styling as well.

from django.contrib import admin

from modeltranslation.admin import TabbedTranslationAdmin
from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin

from .models import MyModel

class MyModelAdmin(ModelAdmin, TabbedTranslationAdmin):

For django-modeltranslation fields for spefic languages, it is possible to define custom flags which will appear as a suffix in field's label. It is recommended to use emojis as suffix.

# settings.py

        "modeltranslation": {
            "flags": {
                "en": "🇬🇧",
                "fr": "🇫🇷",
                "nl": "🇧🇪",

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