1. Documentation
  2. Sections (Expandable rows)

Sections - expandable changelist rows

Unfold implements special functionality for handling expandable rows in changelists called sections. Once the list_sections attribute is configured, rows in the changelist will display an arrow button at the beginning of the row which can be used to show additional content.

The list_sections attribute consists of Python classes inheriting from TableSection or TemplateSection defined in unfold.sections. These classes are responsible for rendering the content in the expandable area.

from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin
from unfold.sections import TableSection, TemplateSection

from .models import SomeModel

# Table for related records
class CustomTableSection(TableSection):
    verbose_name = _("Table title")  # Displays custom table title
    height = 300  # Force the table height. Ideal for large amount of records
    related_name = "related_name_set"  # Related model field name
    fields = ["pk", "title", "custom_field"]  # Fields from related model

    # Custom field
    def custom_field(self, instance):
        return instance.pk

# Simple template with custom content
class CardSection(TemplateSection):
    template_name = "your_app/some_template.html"

class SomeAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    list_sections = [

Query optimisation

When it comes to classes inheriting from TableSection, you may find a problem with an extraordinary amount of queries executed on changelist pages. This problem has two parts:

  1. TableSection works with related fields so another query is required to obtain data from the related table
  2. The default page size for changelist is configured to 100 - which is a pretty large number of records per page

The easiest solution for this issue is to configure pagination to a smaller amount of records by setting list_per_page = 20. While this solution might work for you, it is not optimal.

The optimal solution is using prefetch_related:

  1. Install django-debug-toolbar and check all SQL queries that are duplicating for each record in the changelist
  2. Override get_queryset and use prefetch_related on all related rows until you don't have any duplicated SQL queries in django-debug-toolbar output
from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin

from .models import SomeModel

class SomeAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    list_per_page = 20  # Quick solution
    list_sections = [CustomTableSection]

    # Custom queryset prefetching related records
    def get_queryset(self, request):
        return (

Multiple related tables

Unfold supports multiple related tables in expandable rows. Specify a section class for each related field and put them into list_sections. For each class, you can add a verbose_name to display a custom title right above the table to distinguish between different related fields.

from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin

from .models import SomeModel

class SomeAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    list_sections = [
         CustomTableSection, OtherCustomTable

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