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Changelist tabs

In changelist view, it is possible to add custom tab navigation. It can consist from various custom links which can point at another registered admin models. The configuration is done in UNFOLD dictionary in


from django.urls import reverse_lazy
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

    "TABS": [
            # Which models are going to display tab navigation
            "models": [
            # List of tab items
            "items": [
                    "title": _("Your custom title"),
                    "link": reverse_lazy("admin:app_label_model_name_changelist"),
                    "permission": "sample_app.permission_callback",
                    "title": _("Another custom title"),
                    "link": reverse_lazy("admin:app_label_another_model_name_changelist"),
                    "permission": "sample_app.permission_callback",

# Permission callback for tab item
def permission_callback(request):
    return request.user.has_perm("sample_app.change_model")

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