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Fieldsets tabs

When the change form contains a lot of fieldsets, sometimes it is better to group them into tabs so it will not be needed to scroll. To mark a fieldset for tab navigation it is required to add a tab CSS class to the fieldset. Once the fieldset contains tab class it will be recognized in a template and grouped into tab navigation. Each tab must contain its name. If the name is not available, it will be not included in the tab navigation.


from django.contrib import admin
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin

from .models import MyModel

class MyModelAdmin(ModelAdmin):
    fieldsets = (
                "fields": [
            _("Tab 1"),
                "classes": ["tab"],
                "fields": [
            _("Tab 2"),
                "classes": ["tab"],
                "fields": [

Note: These tabs are not displayed at the top of the page as other tabs. They are shown in the main content area as one fieldset with smaller tab navigation.

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