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To use WysiwygWidget, you need to have unfold.contrib.forms in INSTALLED_APPS which is required dependency. The WYSIWYG widget is based on django-ckeditor.



Below is simple example replacing all TextField fields with WysiwygWidget in admin particular admin class. At the moment WysiwygWidget does not support file upload but it is still possible to manually upload an image and then link it into the content area.


from django.db import models
from unfold.admin import ModelAdmin
from unfold.contrib.forms.widgets import WysiwygWidget

class CustomAdminClass(ModelAdmin):
    formfield_overrides = {
        models.TextField: {
            "widget": WysiwygWidget,

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Django admin theme built with Tailwind CSS to bring modern look and feel to your admin interface. Already contains several built-in features for smooth developer experience.

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