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Unlock full potential of this powerful Python framework. Read valuable insights, tips & tricks to inspire you in Django endeavours

Migrating existing Django admin to Unfold

  • calendar_month 11.5.2024
  • pace 20 minutes

Short introduction into migrating default Django admin to Unfold in already production running applications. The post will describe how to get the default Django admin running side by side with the Unfold admin.

Creating modal windows with Alpine.js and HTMX

  • calendar_month 4.1.2024
  • pace 10 minutes

Creating a modal window is a pretty common task when building a new website but sometimes it is not obvious how to do it by just using HTMX and Alpine.js. Both libraries are going to be complementary in building a proper modal window experience.

Turn Django admin into full-fledged dashboard with Unfold

  • calendar_month 16.12.2023
  • pace 10 minutes

By default, Django admin contains just a basic page when the admin area is visited. The default dashboard consists of basic information which we will learn how to override and properly design by using the Unfold theme.

Dark mode toggle in Django with TailwindCSS and Alpine.js

  • calendar_month 7.7.2023
  • pace 10 minutes

Nowadays all modern websites are providing an option to change a default design into its dark mode version. Somehow this trend becomes a standard and there are several approaches how to achieve this behavior.

Configuring custom AWS S3 storage backends in django-storages

  • calendar_month 20.5.2023
  • pace 25 minutes

In the article, we will show how to configure custom storage backends in the django-storages package with the AWS S3. We will have one S3 bucket containing the project’s static files, media and private files that are not going to be publicly accessible.

Loading custom Django admin site

  • calendar_month 11.4.2023
  • pace 15 minutes

It is very easy to create an administration section for the website by implementing a few lines of code. Adding the new app into INSTALLED_APPS list, registering custom models and you are ready to go with full-fledged administration. But in most cases, it is needed to add at least a bit of custom code.

Setting up Django project with Poetry and Docker

  • calendar_month 1.4.2023
  • pace 20 minutes minutes

Starting a new project is always exciting because something new and fresh is starting but to maintain this motivation in the long term future, proper tooling has to be set up. The right selection of tools will help developers successfully react to new challenges in software developer life and keep the codebase in proper shape.

Comparison of Pip, Pipenv and Poetry dependency management tools

  • calendar_month 20.3.2023
  • pace 15 minutes

When developing a Django application, there are several ways how to manage project dependencies. In this article, it will be explained which approaches can be used (pip, pipenv, poetry) to take care of dependencies. Of course, the article does not aim to explain all of them nor provide detailed instructions on how they can be used.

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  • verified Incorporate custom Django applications into Unfold

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